Permaculture dreaming


Zone 0 is the body of Venus (based on Titian's “Venus of Urbino” – 1538)
reclining in the ideal landscape formation for permaculture designing.

Zone 1 (white) is the pillows she leans on – closest to home – the softness &
warmth of chicken feathers, the chickens will provide immediate yield from eggs
and fertilizer as they help clean up bug. Bees provide honey (food, cosmetic,
medicinal and preservative) and pollinate flowers. Marigolds for salads, dyes,
herbal remedies, repelling nematodes. Camomile (many medicinal uses, tea,
relaxant, cosmetic), is companion planted with cabbage, onions and basil.
An espaliered citrus tree.

Zone 2 (yellow) is the bed covering Venus lies on. The dog as companion, guard
dog and protection. Chickens occupy this area as well as corn, beans, sunflowers
- companions & guilds . On the edge is Kac's green fluorescent rabbit
- value the marginal. The sponge in Venus' hand comes from Zone 5 (wilderness)
and is used to relocate water. Marigolds, amaranth, pumpkin vine provide food
and medicine.

Zone 3 (green) refers to layering of plants. I've used bodies performing the same
functions using height, covering the ground (Spencer Tunic), climbing a ladder, stilt
walking, being held up (The Rape of the Sabine Women – Giordano), suspended,
standing around in a group, characterised squat pot plant, and the two figures from
the original painting – a child kneeling and a maid holding Venus dress which now
bears fruit. The maid also has a spiral antenna to communicate with Venus.

Another part of Zone 3 is the mattress showing below the bed cover. It is a lake
or dam, and has a floating body, Zhang Huan performers and floating hair.

Zone 4 (blue) is the design area. It is in contact with what is known and used and
what is not, but can be explored and learnt from - observe and interact .
It is gridded, and the grid is twisted at the top (following the original painting)
which realigns the information on the grid. It has possums that have ventured in from
zone 5; a turkey tractor; a flying elephant (larger dung); blue pixelated cloud; pixelated
sunlight; water storage in the form of a teapot which dispenses water from the highest
point down through the scene. Ideas can be sketched and evaluated, like the wire
plant protector design.

Zone 5 (purple) - Outside is the unknown – the wilderness. It seeps into the other zones.
